Cognitive dissonance is a kind of psychological armor that we build up to ward off information
that we don't want to hear. According to cognitive dissonance theory, we seek harmony among
our beliefs. When there is conflict between belief and behavior, we change something to
eliminate the dissonance. We could change our behavior to accord with our beliefs, but usually,
we change our attitude to accommodate our behavior. It's much less work.
For example: You buy an expensive car and take it for a drive up the coast. Even though the
car looked great in the showroom and handled well in town, you discover that on long drives
it's about as comfortable as a wooden bench. Dissonance exists between your beliefs that you
have (a) bought a good car and (b) that a good car should be comfortable. Dissonance could
be eliminated by deciding that it doesn't matter since the car is used mainly for short trips
(reducing the importance of the dissonant belief ) or focusing on the car's strengths, such as
safety, appearance, handling (thereby adding more consonant beliefs). Getting rid of the car
could also eliminate the dissonance, but that's a lot harder than changing beliefs.
in the second year after the Jewish people left Egypt, Moshe sent out spies on a reconnaissance
mission to the Land of Canaan. The spies left on the twenty-seventh of Sivan and returned
on the ninth of Av. When they returned, they brought with them a frightening and distorted
picture of the Land. This led to a national catastrophe. The Jewish people rejected the Land
of Israel. God punished them severely, barring them from the Land for forty years until that
generation had passed away.
Most of the journey of the spies was during the month of Tammuz. What is the link between
Tammuz and the spies? Another question: These were no ordinary spies, but men of great
spiritual stature, leaders of the tribes. how could they have made such a mistake?
in the desert, the Jewish people lived a miraculous existence. Their food descended from
heaven. Supernatural clouds flattened the terrain and shielded them from the elements. All
this would cease with the crossing of the Jordan River.
When the spies looked at the Land of Israel, they didn't just see valleys and mountains, they
didn't just see a Land flowing with milk and honey. They saw a way of life coming to an end.
Maybe this new world would need new kinds of leaders? They started to see themselves as the
ancien regime. Yesterday's Men. They looked at the Land and saw in it much more than trees
and shrubs, sky and lakes.
The beginning of cognitive dissonance stirred within them. On the one hand, this was the Land
that God had promised to their forefathers. And yet the promise of the Land spelled an end to
everything that was familiar and comfortable to them. Faced with such a dilemma, they had
two alternatives: either to accept a change in their behavior that the new Land might mandate
or to remove the dissonance between their fears and the virtues of the Land by minimizing the
Land's virtues and fabricating its failings.
in the event, the power of habit proved too strong. They preferred to cling to their ingrained
behavior patterns and change instead their opinions about the Land.
The month of Tammuz is connected to the power of sight. Each of the twelve months of the
year corresponds to one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Tammuz corresponds to the tribe of
Reuven. Reuven comes from the same word in hebrew as sight.
What is the connection between seeing and Tammuz?
Cancer the Crab symbolizes the month of Tammuz. Crabs have compound eyes consisting
of several thousand optical units. The crab perceives reality through thousands of different
channels. Reality is fragmented into thousands of individual pictures. The eye of the crab is
a symbol of the eye's ability to interpret reality according to the bias of the viewer - where
reality could be seen a thousand different ways.
The crab's eyes are on stalks that can be lowered for protection into sockets on the carapace. In other words, the crab can retract its power of sight. It can withdraw from the world of
what exists and confine its sight to a dark interior world. A world where it sees only itself
locked in blackness.
This is what the spies did. They projected their own fears onto reality and turned it into a
nightmare world of their own invention.
The heavenly body that relates to Tammuz is the Moon. The Moon has a great influence on
the waters of the earth. Water has no shape, flowing wherever it wants, the ultimate symbol of
matter seeking form. Man's purpose is to take matter - the raw substance of nature - and
give to it its correct shape. That is why the Jewish people are the People of the Moon. Our job is
to take the great formless passion of nature - the mighty tides of the earth and all its yearning
to overflow the land - and to make those waters dance with the Moon.
Left to themselves, the waters will flow wherever they want. Desire without direction. Emotion
devoid of intellect. The raw power of nature. This is the world we now live in. The nations
of the world are likened to the sea. They have vast physical power. Theirs is the power of raw
matter that awaits its correct form. The job of the Jewish people is to give the shape to that raw
The power of vision can lead us to lift our eyes and realize Who it is that creates this world;
to connect to the Source of all matter and form. But our eyes can also be used to fabricate a
world in which matter trumpets its dominion over form, calling itself the New Order - like
the sea rising from its bed to overwhelm the land. For it is only the land which can give the
sea its shape.
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