The Month of Adar
Some 2,360 years ago in Persia, when Haman plotted the genocide of the Jewish People, he consulted the stars to see which month would be the most propitious to execute his murderous plan.
He found that the month of Adar, whose sign is Dagim (Pisces), which means 'fish,' contained no special merit for the Jews. Thus, he surmised that he could 'swallow' his prey, the Jewish People, just like a fish. The fact that death had 'swallowed' Moses on the seventh day of Adar leant support to his hypothesis. However, Haman had forgotten two small points: First of all, Moses was also born on the 7th of Adar. And secondly, it's true that fish can swallow up their prey; but they can also get swallowed up by bigger fish.
This is exactly what happened to Haman and his conspirators. All their plans were turned upside down, and Haman and his family were hung on the exact same gallows that he had prepared for Mordechai. This total turnabout of events is symbolized by the two fish, swimming in opposite directions, which is the sign of Dagim.
In a leap year, where an extra month is added to the calendar, we have two Adars. We observe Purim in the second of the two because Purim took place in a leap year during the second Adar. Also, by observing Purim during the second Adar we can celebrate two redemptions next to each other: the deliverance of the Jews from Haman, and from Pharaoh at the time of Pesach.
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